A business cash advance from MVF lets you build your business as you’ve always envisioned. Get money for your business without any upfront or application fees. There are no strict qualifications the real basis of the cash advance is based off your credit card sales. The advance is ideal for restaurants, bars, beauty salons, auto shops, retail stores, and more!
Business loans only.
Could your business use extra capital to expand, renovate or advertise? Or maybe you’re ready to upgrade your equipment or stock your shelves for a seasonal business spike. If your business accepts debit or credit cards, then a merchant cash advance may be an option to consider. We will at the very least inform you of the true facts. Whether your expenses are planned or unexpected, a merchant cash advance with the help of Multi Vision Financial can provide your business with access to $10,000 to $500,000! You are not always required to change your current merchant credit card processor.
Even if you do not accept credit cards chances are you will be approved for working capital today.

Businesses that accept payment cards are turning to merchant cash advances to access quick capital. For small businesses and established mid-sized businesses, a merchant cash advance is a quick and easy way to obtain funding by leveraging your future card sales. We understand that every business is different – that’s why we have multiple products to fit your unique needs.